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Retreat to Recharge Fellows

The Retreat to Recharge Initiative recognizes that academia demands much of us, and so this initiative helps us to prioritize and engage in activities that sustain and nourish us.

We believe that community and a network of meaningful relationships is crucial for recharging from the stressors in our lives. Therefore, this initiative will provide funding to encourage groups of faculty members to use community as an opportunity for rejuvenation.

Teams of three or more faculty members (tenure-line and/or career-line) are encouraged to apply with a proposal for how they intend to “retreat and recharge.” Projects should begin between Feb 1, 2024 (the anticipated award notification date) and June 30, 2024. Ideally, proposed activities should be completed before the start of Fall 2024 semester, but may cross into academic year 2024-25 if necessary. Proposals of up to $5,000 will be considered. Priority will be given to applications where faculty participants are from separate departments.

**Note: To encourage innovative and/or especially generative ways faculty may Retreat to Recharge – this Fellowship is intentionally open to all proposals. However, activities must fit University purposes and align with University objectives. This Fellowship is not intended to provide for a vacation for faculty members, nor is it funding “for personal use” (per University Rule 3-100E: Restricted Purchases and Special Procurement).

In lieu of a written report at the conclusion of the project, awarded faculty will present on their Retreat to Recharge activities and outcomes at the Office for Faculty’s Wellness Summit and Fair on August 27, 2024.


Download the Retreat to Recharge Fellowship Application Here!

Due Date for Application:  January 26th, 2024

Send your completed application to:
