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Administrator Appointments, Hiring, Reviews, & Leaves

Consistent with University Policy and best practices, the University of Utah has an open and transparent process for selecting, compensating, and reviewing individuals who, while holding faculty appointments, are also appointed to serve as a University Administrator (e.g., program/center directors, chairs, deans, etc).

Administrator Searches & Appointments

Appointments for administrative positions will follow a typical search and hiring process—which includes either an internal or external search and posting and managing the search in PeopleAdmin—unless a search waiver is sought and approved.

An external search process will follow the typical faculty hiring process.

Internal search and selection activities might include some or all of the following:

* Invitation for nominations (including self-nominations)

* Consultation with faculty, staff, and/or students

* Search committee that recruits, screens, interviews, and recommends final candidates
Public presentation

* Meetings with relevant leadership, including the appointing official

Search Waivers must be sought and approved through the Office for Faculty prior to any discussions with the candidate. Please reach out to the Office for Faculty regarding the Search Waiver Process -- the Administrative Position Search Waiver Request Form can be found HERE.

Contact the Office for Faculty with any questions, and see the SVPAA Guideline for Appointments of Faculty to Administrative Positions for additional information.

Administrator Hiring Process

Once the finalist for an administrative position has been determined, a hire will need to take place. The process will include the submission of a Hiring Proposal within PeopleAdmin.

Contact the Office for Faculty for additional information.

Administrator Reviews & Reappointments

University Administrators undergo regular annual reviews with their direct supervisors and have more extensive reviews periodically throughout the terms of their administrative appointments.

As required by University Policy, if the appointment can be renewed, the individual must undergo an appropriate review for renewal. The review will include a process to collect information anonymously on the individual’s record in the administrative position from all relevant parties and a process for announcing the outcome of that review.

Administrator Leaves

University Administrators with faculty appointments may be eligible for Administrator Leave at the conclusion of their term of service.

Upon successful completion of three years of administrative service, faculty administrators will be eligible for one semester of paid administrator leave. After five years, faculty administrators will be eligible for two semesters of administrator leave. Under University Policy, an administrator who takes administrative leave is not eligible for a sabbatical until the individual has accumulated six years of service after the administrator leave.

See the SVPAA Guideline on Appointments of Faculty to Administrative Positions for additional details.