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First Term Deans Lunch

This is a year-long working group for first term deans at which we share ideas, strategies, and struggles. It combines how-tos and leadership development. While designed with new deans in […]

Chairs Seminar Lunch Series

The Chairs Seminar Lunch Series is a time for professional development, information sharing, and cross-collaboration for academic chairs and program/school directors. While occasionally informational this series will have a strong […]

Academic Leaders Online

Promoting cross-campus communication, information sharing, and leadership development, this program invites academic leaders from across campus to gather and hear firsthand from University Leadership about relevant and timely information. The […]

Career-line Faculty Workshop – Building Your Career

This is an interactive workshop for Career-line Faculty, where you'll explore goal setting, aligning your goals with promotion criteria, leveraging opportunities to meet your goals and pivoting.

Essential Faculty Resource Spotlight Series

The Essential Faculty Resource Spotlight Series is a quarterly series hosted by the Office for Faculty spotlighting different essential resources for faculty across campus.

Faculty Life Series

The Faculty Life series is designed to provide useful information for personal and professional growth for all faculty (career line and tenure line). These informal zoom meetings take place the […]

Academic Leaders End of Year Gathering

This final in-person gathering will allow an opportunity to reflect and celebrate the end of the school year and plan for next year.

Associate Deans for Faculty Forum

This series provides a forum through which to build infrastructure and share best practices regarding several Associate Dean for Faculty responsibilities, including faculty conduct, RPT, Career-line Faculty reappointments and promotions, […]

Chairs Seminar Lunch Series

The Chairs Seminar Lunch Series is a time for professional development, information sharing, and cross-collaboration for academic chairs and program/school directors. While occasionally informational this series will have a strong […]