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Tenure-line Faculty Reviews


Retention, Promotion, & Tenure Reviews (RPT)

The Retention, Promotion, and Tenure processes take place at specified intervals and evaluate a tenure-line faculty member’s progress since hire. The college or department has specific guidelines regarding the procedures for each review. University Policy (6-303) directs the specific requirements for review.

Tenured Faculty Reviews (TFR)

Tenured Faculty Reviews take place every five years after tenure has been awarded.  University Policy (6-321) and the department/college TFR guidelines describe the specific requirements for these reviews.

New Hire with Tenure Review (Expedited Tenure)

Tenure may be granted at the time of initial appointment of a faculty member (commonly known as 'hiring with tenure'). When a decision regarding tenure is considered contemporaneously with a decision regarding initial appointment, the procedures for the appointment and initial rank decisions are governed by Policy 6-302, and the procedures for the tenure decision are as described in Policy 6-303 Section III-K.

Endowed Chair Reviews

Faculty members who have the distinction of holding an Endowed Chair appointment must undergo periodic reviews for evaluation and reappointment. Reviews are governed by the specific Gift Agreement for the endowment, but typically follow the 5-year TFR cycle.

Retention, Promotion, & Tenure (RPT)

For Faculty members interested in preparing their review files, we offer several workshops, as well as the opportunity for 1:1 consultations with the AVPs.For those assisting in facilitating Tenure-line Faculty Reviews (i.e., Department Admins, Department Chairs, RPT Committee Chairs, Deans/Dean’s Office Members, etc), we have compiled several resources for you (see below).  If you have questions or would like training on how to access/use Interfolio, please contact the Office for Faculty.


RPT Training Materials


Formal RPT Review Forms & Resources


External Evaluation Forms & Resources (for Formal RPT Reviews & New Hires with Tenure)


RPT SAC Committee Report & Assessment of Teaching Materials (for Formal RPT Reviews & New Hires with Tenure)


Sample Notices for RPT Reviews

New Hire with Tenure Forms & Resources

  • New Hire with Tenure Review Checklist (need to link new form)
      Checklist of required materials for expedited Tenure reviews and where they should be uploaded in Interfolio
  • New Hire with Tenure Vote Summary (need to link new form)
      Required for all expedited Tenure reviews – a combined summary of the votes at all levels of review. Reminder - votes are only on the question of Tenure.