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Approval to Offer: Hiring Proposal

Prior to making an offer to a final candidate, departments must receive the requisite approvals. To receive approval to make an offer, submit a Hiring Proposal in PeopleAdmin.

Part of the Hiring Proposal includes a draft offer letter -- for sample offer letter templates, see the link below.


Approval to make first an oral offer and second a written offer happens through the PeopleAdmin Hiring Proposal process. Please, do not contact your candidates prior to receiving approval.

When to make a Verbal Offer: Once the Vice Provost for Faculty & Academic Affairs has reviewed the PeopleAdmin Hiring Proposal, you will receive an email either with questions, or with approval to begin verbal negotiations.

While verbal negotiations are taking place, the Hiring Proposal will go through Budget Approval and the draft offer letter will be reviewed.

When to make a Written Offer: Once the Office for Faculty moves the PeopleAdmin Hiring Proposal to “Hire Approved,” you may send a written offer (with the details from your verbal negotiations) to the candidate for their signature.

  • Click HERE for instructions on how to submit Hiring Proposals within PeopleAdmin (updated 10/25/2023)
  • Click HERE to access the Reference Attestation Form that needs to be submitted as part of the Hiring Proposal
  • For sample Offer Letter Templates, please click HERE (revised 12/2024)