Recently Appointed Deans Working Group
This is a year-long working group for new and recently appointed deans at which we share ideas, strategies, and struggles. This is an invitation only working lunch.
This is a year-long working group for new and recently appointed deans at which we share ideas, strategies, and struggles. This is an invitation only working lunch.
Promoting cross-campus communication, information sharing, and leadership development, this program invites academic leaders from across campus to gather and hear firsthand from University Leadership about relevant and timely information. The purpose of this series is primarily informational and agendas are usually designed with Chairs and Associate Deans in mind. While Deans are always welcome to […]
Previously known as the Life As... series the Faculty Life series is designed to provide useful information for personal and professional growth for all faculty (career line and tenure line). These informal zoom meetings take place the first Wednesday of each month from 9:00am - 10:00am.
The RPT and Faculty Review Workshops are designed to assist the faculty member under review with (1) preparing materials and (2) understanding the process. This three-part workshop series is specifically designed for pre-tenure faculty members preparing for a formal review in the next academic year to give them adequate time to prepare. There will be three workshops […]
The RPT and Faculty Review Workshops are designed to assist the faculty member under review with (1) preparing materials and (2) understanding the process. This three-part workshop series is specifically designed for pre-tenure faculty members preparing for a formal review in the next academic year to give them adequate time to prepare. There will be three workshops […]
Previously known as the Chairs Breakfast, the Chairs Seminar Lunch Series is a time for professional development, information sharing, and cross-collaboration for academic chairs and program/school directors. While occasionally informational this series will have a strong emphasis on understanding processes and collaborative problem-solving.
Promoting cross-campus communication, information sharing, and leadership development, this program invites academic leaders from across campus to gather and hear firsthand from University Leadership about relevant and timely information. The purpose of this series is primarily informational and agendas are usually designed with Chairs and Associate Deans in mind. While Deans are always welcome to […]
Previously known as the Chairs Breakfast, the Chairs Seminar Lunch Series is a time for professional development, information sharing, and cross-collaboration for academic chairs and program/school directors. While occasionally informational this series will have a strong emphasis on understanding processes and collaborative problem-solving.
This is a year-long working group for new and recently appointed deans at which we share ideas, strategies, and struggles. This is an invitation only working lunch.