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Faculty Retirement Brunch


The Offices for Faculty and the Senior Vice President's offices will be hosting this Retirement Brunch to honor and celebrate University faculty who retired/will be retiring between July 1, 2023 and July 1, 2024! You can view information/photos from last year's retirement brunch and find out more about this upcoming celebration by clicking HERE.

Recently Appointed Deans Working Group


This is a year-long working group for new and recently appointed deans at which we share ideas, strategies, and struggles. This is an invitation only working lunch.

Associate Professors Preparing for Promotion


These events are designed for faculty members who have been Associate Professors for at least four years and would like to be considered for promotion in the next 1-3 years. There will be a workshop for associate professors and a separate workshop for associate professor administrators*. If you are already scheduled to go up for […]

Associate Professors Administrators Preparing for Promotion


These events are designed for faculty members who have been Associate Professors for at least four years and would like to be considered for promotion in the next 1-3 years. There will be a workshop for associate professors and a separate workshop for associate professor administrators*. If you are already scheduled to go up for […]

New Administrator Retreat

The All New Administrators retreat will cover topics and information that will be useful for new Deans, Associate Deans, Department Chairs and Program/Institute Directors as they begin their new leadership responsibilities.

New Chairs Retreat Pt1

The New Chairs Retreat is a continuation from the All New Administrators Retreat and will expand upon skills and strategies for being an effective chair.

New Deans Retreat

The New Deans Retreat is a continuation from the All New Administrators Retreat and will expand upon skills and strategies for being an effective Dean.

New Chairs Retreat Pt2

The New Chairs Retreat is a continuation from the All New Administrators Retreat and will expand upon skills and strategies for being an effective chair.

New Associate Deans Retreat

The New Associate Deans Retreat is a continuation from the All New Administrators Retreat and will expand upon skills and strategies for being an effective Associate Dean.

New Faculty Orientation

The Office for Faculty hosts a New Faculty Orientation every August just prior to the beginning of the Fall semester. This event provides new faculty with valuable information, introduces them to Campus Leaders, and offers an opportunity to meet other new colleagues from across the University.